Communication networks have undergone rapid developments in the past few decades in many\nSub-Saharan African countries. The increasing number of subscribers and demand for greater variety\nof services in these countries make it difficult for network operators to provide the service\nvarieties subscribers want while maintaining acceptable levels of quality of service. This paper\nanalyzes the radio network of cellular networks in terms of traffic distribution over the existing\nnumber of communication channels using MATLAB/Simulink. A scale-free user network, which\ntakes into account user behavior in a realistic physical network, has been used to model a more\nrealistic cause for call blockings in a typical cellular network deployment under a Sub-Saharan\nenvironment. Peak recorded traffic distribution was observed to have overwhelmed the existing\nnumber of channels provided by the network operators for some cells eventually leading to increase\nin call drop rates. This high call blocking probability was attributed to poor network monitoring\nby the network operators to match the ever changing traffic intensities.